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lack of diversity

All throughout history, there has been a lack of diversity in the U.S. government. For example, from the very beginning, only white land owning males had the ability to vote. And the laws and people they were voting for were created by white males as well as the fact the candidates were also white males themselves. This ideology has certainly stayed in play even with all the change we have seen throughout the decades in the government. Like when women finally had the right to vote in the 1920's. But that didn't mean that all women had the right to vote. So women of low socioeconomic class and minorities were not given the right to vote. In fact, Native American women were not given the right to vote until four years later in 1924. As for African American women, in some states, they weren't given the right to vote until the 1960's. So anyone who wasn't white or rich were unable to vote for a period of time. We can still see these characteristics play a role in today&

peer commentary

In the commentary "don't put a wall"   I also believe that building a wall is not a great idea. There is no need for building the wall because of the many problems it is causing and the problems it will cause. Mentioning the job of the border patrol and the requirements there are in order to get the job just goes to show how they don't care and shows how much they are trying to keep the border from falling apart and from keeping immigrants out. I like how you mentioned the Berlin wall and everything that had to be done just to build a wall that did not stand for long.

over night government shutdown

During the late night early morning on February 9th there was a brief government shutdown due to a massive budget deal that had been passed. USA TODAY  had published an article explaining what had happened in detail and a better understanding of why there was a brief shutdown, and also how this new budget deal affects us from here on. As well as mentioning DACA and what was discussed during the house session. Because this budget deal had been passed this means there will be additional funds added to military and nonmilitary programs as well as disaster relief funds. But due to a higher budget, there will be cuts to programs such as environmental protection, foreign aid, and health research.