Ever since the last presidential election, the subject on keeping immigrants out of the U.S. has become more of the center of attention than any other issues the president tends to focus on. His idea of keeping immigrants out is by building a wall. Not just any wall but a "great wall" so "great" in his mind that he wouldn't even have to spend much because he wants Mexico to pay for it rather than the U.S. Why does he want this wall in the first place? well to keep out so-called "criminals", "drugs", and "rapists" as if that is the only things he envisions when he thinks of Mexico. I believe that the wall shouldn't be built in the first place. If the wall is built its supposed purpose is to maintain border security but in all reality, it would be more of a divider, to divide the U.S. and Mexico not just dividing the two countries but dividing Americans as well. With all the stereotypes placed on Mexico and its people, some Americ...